100% Work Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000 Dengan Service Tool ini | Tutorial Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000

Reseter Printer Canon G2000 G1000 G3000

Pakdhebengal.com Kali ini akan membagikan tutorial tentang Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000. Tutorial Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000 sudah saya buat dalam bentuk video. Berikut dibawah ini tutorial Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000. semoga bermanfaat. Lebih Detailnya Silahkan Tonton Video Di Channel Youtube Saya.  https://youtu.be/0djgkyWHXsw
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Video Cara Reset Printer Canon G2000 G1000 G3000

Tahapan Dan Langkah Cara Reset Printer Canon G2000 Memakai Service Tool

Cara Save Mode / Service Mode Canon G2000, Canon G1000, Canon G3000
1. Matikan Printer.
2. Tekan tombol resume/stop dan tahan.
3. Kemudian tekan power dan tahan
4. Kemudian lepas tombol resume / stop
5. Tombol power masih ditekan, tekan resume 5x.
6. Lepas semua tombol dan Lampu printer warna hijau kalau berhasil.
7. Dan Windows akan mendeteksi "canon device baru".

Setelah itu baru bisa direset memakai service tool v4904 seperti di video.
Kalau ternyata lampu printer Warna ORANGE, berarti Canon G2000 Gagal Safemode, dan tidak bisa direset memakai service tool, dan harus GANTI IC COUNTER atau IC EEPROM nya. Gagal Safemode disebabkan oleh salah reset menggunakan Resetter V4720 atau V3400 atau salah langkah ketika service mode / save mode.

Untuk error 5200 penanganannya coba bersihin chip konektor cattidge. atau kalau tinta kosong refill manual. biasanya karena temperatur head panas. Biasanaya catridge warna. Kalau tidak bisa coba direset kadang bisa. kalau tetap dk bisa ya ganti catridge

Penjual Resetter Printer / Seller Resetter Printer Terpercaya: https://www.facebook.com/j4br1k
Kalau anda cari di internet susah mendapatkannya. Anda bisa membelinya, link  penjual diataas.

Printer Resetter Canon G2000 G1000 G3000
Pakdhebengal.com This time I will share a tutorial about Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000. I have made a tutorial on Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000 in the form of a video. The following is a tutorial on Reset Canon G2000 G1000 G3000. Hope it is useful.

Steps and Steps How to Reset Canon G2000 Printer Using Service Tool
How to Save Mode / Service Mode Canon G2000, Canon G1000, Canon G3000
1. Turn off the Printer.
2. Press the resume/stop button and hold it down.
3. Then press power and hold
4. Then release the resume / stop button
5. The power button is still pressed, press resume 5x.
6. Release all buttons and the printer light is green if successful.
7. And Windows will detect "new canon device".

After that, it can only be reset using the service tool v4904 as shown in the video.
If it turns out that the printer light is ORANGE, it means that the Canon G2000 has failed Safemode, and cannot be reset using the service tool, and you have to CHANGE the COUNTER IC or the EEPROM IC. Safemode failure is caused by wrong reset using Resetter V4720 or V3400 or wrong steps when service mode / save mode.

For error 5200, try cleaning the cattidge connector chip. or if the ink is empty, refill it manually. usually because of the hot head temperature. Usually color cartridges. If you can't try to reset sometimes you can. if it still doesn't work, then replace the cartridge

Here are Some Trusted Printer Resetter Sellers / Printer Resetter Sellers: https://www.facebook.com/j4br1k . If you search on the internet it's hard to find. You can buy it, the seller's link is above.

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Pakdhe Bengal
Pakdhe Bengal Menggeluti dunia teknisi printer / servis printer sejak tahun 2003 sampai sekarang

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