Cara Memperbaiki init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105 | Tutorial Cara Mengatasi Penyebab Error Init Unable 48 Brother DCP-J105 Kali ini saya akan membagikan video tentang Cara Memperbaiki init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105. Video Cara Memperbaiki init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105 sudah saya upload di channel youtube saya. Semoga video Cara Memperbaiki init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105 ini bermanfaat.

Video Cara Memperbaiki init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105

Untuk melihat video Cara Memperbaiki init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105 silahkan klik video dibawah ini. Link Video Tutorial:
cara perbaiki init unable 48, cara mengatasi init unable 48, Brother DCP-J105, brother dcp j100 init unable 48, brother machine error 48 or init unable 48, brother dcp J105 init unable 48 35 40 50 46 unable to clean, troubleshooting steps of brother printer error 48, brother printer customer service, brother printer customer support, brother printer errors, brother printer support, brother printer support number, See troubleshooting and routine maintenance chapter in User's guide init unable 48
Video Cara Memperbaiki init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105
Berikut saya ingin bagikan daftar kode error pada printer Brother dan cara mengatasinya :
  1. Error 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,3C,3F : Paper jam atau kertas nyangkut, Silahkan cek printer brother anda, mungkin ada potongan kertas yang masih tersisa didalam roll printer.
  2. Error 50,51,52,57,5A,5B,5C,5D,5E : Hampir sama dengan masalah diatas, yaitu paper jam.Cuman pada error ini ada kemungkinan dibarengi dengan sensor yang kotor atau rusak. 
  3. Error 40,42,43,44 : Temperatur printer terlalu tinggi atau suhu panas pada printer melebihi ambang batas. Solusinya, biarkan printer dalam keadaan mati, buka semua cover untuk mendinginkan suhu printer. Jika sudah normal coba nyalakan kembali.
  4. Error 46 : Ink absorver atau tangki  pembuangan tinta didalam printer berupa gabus sudah full. Solusinya silahkan ganti absorver pad dan reset printer. Jika belum pernah membongkar printer sendiri, lebih baik bawa ke tukang service supaya kerusakan tidak merembet ke part yang lain.
  5. Error 48, 4F : Untuk error ini biasanya bermasalah pada print head printer. Print head konslet atau cuma tersangkut sehingga tidak bisa bergerak. Coba buka cover printer, lihat apakah ada yang mengganggu pergerakan print head. jika tidak kemungkinan print head printer rusak. jika belum bisa bongkar sendiri, lebih baik bawa ke tempat service.
  6. Error 8F : Terdapat kerusakan pada motor penarik kertas, solusinya ganti penarik kertas dengan yang masih normal atau bisa digunakan.
  7. Error A5,A6,A7,A8,AF : Scanner rusak, ganti scanner printer brother Anda.
  8. Error E2, E3 : Motherboard printer rusak, ganti motherboard dengan yang baru.

How to Fix init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105 | Tutorial How to Overcome the Cause of the 48 Brother DCP-J105 Init Unable Error This time I will share a video about how to fix init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105. I have uploaded a video on how to fix init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105 on my youtube channel. Hopefully this video How to Fix init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105 is useful.

Video How to Fix init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105
To see the video How to fix init unable 48 Printer brother DCP-J105, please click the video below. Video Tutorial link:

Here I want to share a list of error codes on Brother printers and how to solve them:

  1. Error 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,3C,3F : Paper jam or paper stuck, Please check your brother's printer, there may be pieces of paper left in the printer roll.
  2. Error 50,51,52,57,5A,5B,5C,5D,5E: Almost the same as the problem above, namely paper jam. Only this error may be accompanied by a dirty or damaged sensor.
  3. Error 40,42,43,44: The printer temperature is too high or the heat temperature in the printer exceeds the threshold. The solution, leave the printer off, open all covers to cool the printer temperature. If it's normal, try turning it back on.
  4. Error 46: The ink absorber or the ink disposal tank in the printer in the form of a cork is full. The solution, please replace the absorber pad and reset the printer. If you've never disassembled the printer yourself, it's better to take it to a service repairman so that the damage doesn't spread to other parts.
  5. Error 48, 4F: This error is usually a problem with the print head of the printer. The print head is short-circuited or just stuck so it can't move. Try opening the printer cover, see if there is anything that interferes with the movement of the print head. if not, it is possible that the print head of the printer is damaged. if you can't unload it yourself, it's better to take it to a service center.
  6. Error 8F: There is damage to the paper puller motor, the solution is to replace the paper puller with a normal or usable one.
  7. Error A5,A6,A7,A8,AF: Scanner is damaged, replace your brother printer scanner.
  8. Error E2, E3: The printer motherboard is damaged, replace the motherboard with a new one.

cara perbaiki init unable 48, cara mengatasi init unable 48, Brother DCP-J105, brother dcp j100 init unable 48, brother machine error 48 or init unable 48, brother dcp J105 init unable 48 35 40 50 46 unable to clean, troubleshooting steps of brother printer error 48, brother printer customer service, brother printer customer support, brother printer errors, brother printer support, brother printer support number, See troubleshooting and routine maintenance chapter in User's guide init unable 48

Pakdhe Bengal
Pakdhe Bengal Menggeluti dunia teknisi printer / servis printer sejak tahun 2003 sampai sekarang

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