Printer Epson L1110 Error 000025
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Epson L1110 Error 000025 |
PAKDHEBENGAL.COM, Merk epson adalah salah satu brand printer yang banyak digunakan orang. Selain merk printer ini terkenal awet juga kwalitas cetak gambarnya yang bagus dan halus. Nah kali ini kita akan membahas tentang salah satu seri printer keluaran dari epson yaitu printer epson L1110 yang mengalami error atau kode kesalahan 000025.
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Kode Kesalahan 000025 Pada Printer EpsonPrinter printer epson L1110 yang mengalami error ini biasanya saat diperintah print kertas bisa masuk akan tetapi langsung berhenti ditengah tengah dan error yang disertai lampu indikator power kertas tinta kedip kedip. Atau saat diperintah print kertas masuk tapi langsung bablas keluar dan disertai lampu indikator yang sama. Code error atau kode kesalahan 000025 pada printer epson L1110 atau seri L lainnya biasanya disebabkan oleh:
- Kabel flexi head bermasalah.
- Kabel flexi pembaca sensor encoder bermasalah.
- Pembaca sensor encoder panjang bermasalah, letaknya dibelakang rumah catridge.
Nah cara menanganinya ya harus dicari satu satu diantara penyebabnya diatas yang saya sebutkan itu. Untuk lebih jelas cara menanganinya silahkan tonton video tutorial youtube saya dibawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat
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The Epson brand is one of the printer brands that is widely used by people. In addition to the well-known brand of this printer, the print quality of the images is good and smooth. Well this time we will discuss about one of the printer series output from Epson, namely the Epson L1110 printer which experienced an error or error code 000025.
Error Code 000025 On Epson Printer
The Epson L1110 printer that experiences this error is usually when ordered to print the paper can enter but immediately stops in the middle and an error accompanied by the ink paper power indicator light blinks. Or when ordered to print the paper goes in but it immediately goes out and is accompanied by the same indicator light. Error code or error code 000025 on Epson L1110 or other L series printers are usually caused by:
- The flexi head cable has a problem.
- There is a problem with the sensor encoder reader flex cable.
- The long encoder sensor reader has a problem, it is located behind the cartridge housing.
So how to handle it, you have to look for one of the causes above that I mentioned. For more details on how to handle it, please watch my youtube tutorial video above. May be useful
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