Printer canon saat ini sudah mengeluarkan produknya dengan nama seri G, diantaranya printer canon G1000 G1010 G2000 G2010 G3000 G3010 dan seri G lainnya. Meskipun seri baru bukan berarti akan aman dari masalah dan error. Setiap printer pasti suatu ketika akan mengalami yang namanya error / macet, termasuk printer canon G1000 G1010 G2000 G2010 G3000 G3010 dan seri G lainnya walaupun seri baru.
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Nah kali ini saya akan mengkabarkan aau membagikan berbagai macam kode error indikator blinking pada printer canon G1000 G1010 G2000 G2010 G3000 G3010 dan seri G lainnya karena setiap berapa kali lampu indikator blinking / kedip memiliki arti dan penanganan dan penyebab yang berbeda.
1. Lampu Indikator Kuning Kedip Blink 2 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1000
Lampu Indikator Kuning Kedip Blink 2 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1000 |
Penyebab: Di layar PC atau laptop terdapat pesan ERROR CODE 1000. Di sebabkan karena kehabisan kertas atau roll printer tidak bisa narik kertas. Bisa juga karena jalur masuknya kertas kemasukan benda asing. Solusi: Periksa ketersediaan kertas dan juga pemasangan kertas yang benar. Periksa juga jalur kertas tidak kemasukan benda asing
2. Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 3 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1300
Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 3 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1300 |
Penyebab: Printer mengalami Paper Jam/Kertas Nyangkut. Disebabkan karena printer kemasukan benda asing / sobekan kertas dan biasanya disertai dengan pesan ERROR 1300 yang muncul di layar komputer. Solusi: Periksa jalur masuknya kertas. Kalau ada benda asing / sobekan kertas segera di ambil agar tidak menghalangi kertas masuk.
3. Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 4 Kali Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1470
Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 4 Kali Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1470 |
Penyebab: Catridge printer tidak terdeteksi / terbaca / terkoneksi / terpasang dengan baik.Error ini biasanya disertai dengan pesan error code 1470. Solusi : Pastikan pemasangan catridge sudah benar. Bersihkan konektor catridge dengan alkohol kalau kotor. Kalau masih tidak bisa coba dengan catridge normal / baru.
4. Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 5 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1403
Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 5 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1403 |
Penyebab : Biasanya terjadi karena kerusakan pada head cartridge yang disertai dengan pesan Error code 1403. Solusi : Pastikan pemasangan catridge sudah benar. Bersihkan konektor catridge dengan alkohol kalau kotor. Kalau masih tidak bisa coba dengan catridge normal / baru.
5. Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 7 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1474 1475
Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 7 Kali Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1474 1475 |
Penyebab : Biasanya akan muncul pesan Error code 1474 atau 1475. Apabila muncul pesan Error code 1474 maka permasalahan pada pemasangan kuncian / dudukan rumah catridge yang tidak pas / tidak benar. Dan jika muncul pesan Error code 1475 maka masalahnya pada catridge baik itu hitam atau warnanya. Solusi : Pastikan pemasangan catridge sudah benar. Bersihkan konektor catridge dengan alkohol kalau kotor. Kalau masih tidak bisa coba dengan catridge normal / baru
6. Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 8 Kali Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1700 1701
Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 8 Kali Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1700 1701 |
Penyebab : Biasanya disertai dengan pesan error code 1700, 1701 (Support Code 5B00). Solusi : Lakukan proses reset bisa menggunakan cara manual ataupun memakai program software resetter / service tool printer canon.
7. Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 9 Kali Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1890
Lampu Indikator Kedip Blink Kuning 9 Kali Printer Canon G1000 G2000 Disertai Error Code 1890 |
Penyebab : Biasanya di sertai pesan Error 1890 yang muncul di layar komputer, proteksi catridge belum di lepas. Solusi : Periksa catridge / rumah catridge. Pastikan tidak ada yang menghalangi pergerakannya.
Demikianlah beberapa Cara Memperbaiki Dan Mengatasi Berbagai Macam Indikator Lampu Error / Blinking Pada Printer Canon G1000 G2000 G1010 G2010. Semoga Bermanfaat.
How to Fix and Overcome Various Error / Blinking Light Indicators on the Canon G1000 G2000 G1010 G2010 Printer Canon printers are currently releasing their products under the name G series, including the Canon G1000 G1010 G2000 G2010 G3000 G3010 and other G series printers. Although the new series does not mean it will be safe from problems and errors. Every printer will at some point experience something called an error / jam, including the Canon G1000 G1010 G2000 G2010 G3000 G3010 and other G series printers, even though they are new series.
Well this time I will report or share various kinds of blinking indicator error codes on the Canon G1000 G1010 G2000 G2010 G3000 G3010 and other G series because every time the blinking indicator light has a different meaning and handling and causes
1. The Yellow Indicator Light Blinks 2 Times on the Canon G1000 G2000 Printer with Error Code 1000
Cause: On the PC or laptop screen there is an ERROR CODE 1000 message. It is caused by running out of paper or the printer roll cannot pull paper. It could also be due to the entry of foreign objects into the paper. Solution: Check the paper availability as well as the correct paper installation. Also check the paper path for no foreign objects
2. Yellow Blink Indicator Light 3 Times on Canon G1000 G2000 Printer With Error Code 1300
Cause: The printer has Paper Jam/Paper Jam. Caused by the printer entering a foreign object / torn paper and is usually accompanied by an ERROR 1300 message that appears on the computer screen. Solution: Check the paper feed path. If there are foreign objects / pieces of paper, take them immediately so they don't block the paper from entering.
3. Flashing Yellow Blink Indicator Light 4 Times Canon G1000 G2000 Printer With Error Code 1470
Cause: The printer cartridge is not detected / read / connected / installed properly. This error is usually accompanied by an error message code 1470. Solution: Make sure the cartridge installation is correct. Clean the cartridge connector with alcohol if it is dirty. If you still can't try with a normal / new cartridge.
4. Blink Yellow Indicator Light 5 Times on Canon G1000 G2000 Printer With Error Code 1403
Cause: Usually occurs due to damage to the cartridge head which is accompanied by the message Error code 1403 Solution: Make sure the cartridge installation is correct. Clean the cartridge connector with alcohol if it is dirty. If you still can't try with a normal / new cartridge.
5. Flashing Yellow Blink Indicator Light 7 Times on Canon G1000 G2000 Printer With Error Code 1474 1475
Cause: Usually the error code 1474 or 1475 message will appear. If the error code 1474 message appears then the problem is in the installation of the lock / cartridge housing that does not fit / is not correct. And if the error code 1475 message appears then the problem is with the cartridge, be it black or color. Solution: Make sure the cartridge installation is correct. Clean the cartridge connector with alcohol if it is dirty. If you still can't try with a normal / new cartridge
6. Flashing Yellow Blink Indicator Light 8 Times Canon G1000 G2000 Printer With Error Code 1700 1701
Cause : Usually accompanied by error messages code 1700, 1701 (Support Code 5B00). Solution: Perform the reset process using the manual method or using the software program resetter / service tool canon printer.
7. Yellow Blink Indicator Light 9 Times Canon G1000 G2000 Printer With Error Code 1890
Cause: Usually accompanied by an Error 1890 message that appears on the computer screen, the cartridge protection has not been removed Solution: Check the cartridge / cartridge housing. Make sure nothing is blocking its movement.
Those are some ways to fix and overcome various kinds of Error / Blinking Light Indicators on the Canon G1000 G2000 G1010 G2010 Printer. Hope it is useful.
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