Kali ini saya akan membagikan tutorial cara memperbaiki printer canon G2000 yang mengalami error support code B203. Error ini ditandai dengan printer macet dan tidak bisa diperintah untuk mencetak.
This time I will share a tutorial on how to fix a Canon G2000 printer that has an error support code B203. This error is indicated by the printer stuck and cannot be ordered to print.
- Tombol power / daya dan tombol alarm kedip / blink 10x bergantian.
- Ketika diperintah print muncul peringatan error support code B203
- Bisa karena kotor konektornya.
- Bisa karena tintanya habis total didalam catridge sehingga terbaca panas.
- Bisa karena headnya catridgenya luka / gosong / konslet.
- Bisa karena catridgenya mati / rusak.
Untuk lebih jelasnya cara mengatasi Error support code B203 ini, silahkan simak video tutorial di channel youtube saya dibawah ini. https://youtu.be/roPG0EsKKq8
Silahkan Baca Juga:
Video Cara Memperbaiki Printer Canon G2000 error Support Code B203 Dan Blinking 10X |
- The power / power button and the alarm button blink / blink 10 times alternately.
- When ordered to print, an error message appears for support code B203
The error support code B203 and blink 10x are caused because one of the cartridges has a problem.
Semoga Video Tutorial Saya Bermanfaat.
- Could be because the connector is dirty.
- Could be because the ink runs out completely in the cartridge so it reads hot.
- Could be because the head cartridge is injured / burnt / short circuit.
- Could be because the cartridge is dead / damaged.
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